Fiona MorganIndependent Non-Executive Director - CPEng, BE(Hons), FIEAust, FAusIMM, GAICD
Mrs Morgan is a Chartered Professional Engineer with over 27 years’ experience in the mining industry, including working on gold, nickel, coal and iron ore projects. Mrs Morgan is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Mintrex Pty Ltd, a highly regarded and longstanding consulting engineering company which has successfully undertaken a broad suite of technical services to Australian and international clients developing resource projects. She has wide ranging experience in operations and project management, maintenance, research and design of both underground and surface mining infrastructure. Mrs Morgan is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Board of Directors
James Mactier
Independent Non-Executive Chairman - BAgrEc (Hons.), GradDipAppFin, GAICD
Jim Beyer
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer - BEng, MGeoSc, AMEC
Steve Scudamore
Independent Non-Executive Director - BA (Hons) MA (Oxon), FCA, FAICD, SF Fin, HonDUniv (Curtin)
Lynda Burnett
Independent Non-Executive Director - BSc (Hons), GAICD, MAusIMM, MSEG
Paul Arndt
Independent Non-Executive Director - BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Eng, MSc, MBA
Senior Management
Michael Holmes
Chief Operating Officer
Anthony Rechichi
Chief Financial Officer
Elena Macrides
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Wade Evans
Executive General Manager Growth
Jeff Sansom
Head of Investor Relations and External Affairs