At Regis, we recognise and uphold the value of biodiversity and its economic, ecological, cultural, and scientific components.

Evaluating the environmental and biodiversity values of an area when planning new or expanding operations is a crucial first step in minimising negative impacts on areas of high conservation significance.

Our biodiversity commitments are upheld within our Environmental Policy, with environmental components included within our Safety Management System and falls under the Duketon Environmental and Social Management Plan 2021. The RSEC Committee oversees the implementation of Biodiversity management plans and is informed on performance by the Chief Operating Officer.

None of our Proved or Probable Reserves are located in or near sites with protected conservation status or endangered species habitats. In accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act of Australia, the McPhillamys and Tropicana sites both have biodiversity offset areas in place.

All Regis current and proposed mining operations are first surveyed for flora, fauna, Short Range Endemics (invertebrates), stygofauna and troglofaunal (microscopic groundwater dwelling animals), hydrogeology (groundwater) and surface water hydrology (flood design). All of these surveys are conducted by external service providers and follow standard survey methodology as outlined by government regulators (DMIRS and DWER). Survey results are reviewed and, where necessary, avoidance of priority species or habitat is incorporated into mine design. Species and habitat high on state, federal or international conservation listings are included in all surveys.