Right people, right roles, right focus.

Continuing to build a stronger culture

We have a strong culture, where people are engaged, understand the company, want to build a career here, and know what they need to do to be successful.

Building on this we will focus on:

  • Aligning our work to the strategy, and giving and getting feedback
  • Developing our people through leadership development programs, individual development plans and on the job training
  • Delivering our total rewards strategy and employee recognition programs

Line of Sight

At Regis, we have a thing called ‘line of sight’. It’s when everyone understands where we are going and how their work helps us get there. This includes setting up individual performance objectives, and development plans, and on-going feedback about how we are performing.

That way, people will be recognised when they are doing well, and will have the ability to develop in their roles and careers.

Creating an inclusive workplace

Diversity is the mix, inclusion is what we do with that mix. To us it’s all about creating a culture where everyone can contribute fully. When people feel valued and respected, they are more productive, safe, creative and focussed, which in turn creates more value for our shareholders. Regis is committed to employing the highest quality talent who are aligned with the delivery of our strategy, in a transparent and responsible manner.

To attract such high quality talent, our goal is to foster a workplace that celebrates and values everyone and respects the benefits that a diverse workplace can bring. At the end of 2019/20 financial year, Regis employed 365 full-time, part-time and casual staff, with 20% of these roles held by females. Of these roles, women held 11% at the General Manager levels and 33% on the Board of Directors.

Our policy is to recruit the right people for the right roles, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, cultural background or any other characteristic. We recognise that the creation of a fair, inclusive and diverse workplace provides the best possible environment for a high performing team to focus on strong and consistent performance and we believe that the success of the business will be a reflection of the quality and skill of the people employed.