Regis is one of Australia’s largest, unhedged gold producers, with over a decade of consistent production and reserve growth, underpinned by continued exploration success and targeted acquisitions.
Our journey started with a vision to unlock gold endowment in the Duketon Greenstone Belt in the North Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. This vision, while it still stands today, has grown to include our McPhillamys gold project in New South Wales.
This has been our journey to becoming one of Australia’s leading gold companies.
Our Journey
Regis Resources Ltd was originally incorporated on 12 May 1986 as Johnson’s Well Mining NL and listed on the ASX on 19 February 1987.
The Company originally acquired a portfolio of tenements prospective for gold in the Yalgoo area of Western Australia.
In 1994, the Company commenced the acquisition of a substantial portfolio of tenements in the Duketon Belt of Western Australia by entering into a number of joint venture arrangements as well as acquiring tenements in its own right. The Duketon Belt was selected as a major exploration target on the basis of the existence of old gold workings and mines, the lack of drilling beneath the old workings and the evidence of large areas of favourable structures and host rocks.
In 1997 a significant extension to the Christmas Well gold mineralisation in the Duketon belt was discovered, called Rosemont.
In 1998, the Company acquired an interest in the Rosemont property from Aurora Gold Pty Ltd. Subsequently, Normandy Mining Limited earned a 30 percent interest in the property and entered into a farm-in agreement over the regional tenements.
In 2002 Normandy moved to an 80% interest in the Rosemont-Duketon joint venture and Duketon Regional joint venture.
In August 2004, the Company was restructured and the Company changed its name to Regis Resources NL.
In March 2005, Regis entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Newmont Australia (previously Normandy) which gave the Company a 59% interest in the Duketon joint ventures, and management control.
In April 2009, Regis completed a Definitive (bankable) Feasibility Study over the Moolart Well Gold Project in Western Australia. The Company then acquired 100% of the Duketon Project from Newmont and financed the construction of Moolart Well via a $50 million equity raising and a $45m debt facility.
In December 2009, the discovery holes were drilled into the Garden Well mineralisation.
In 2010, Regis moved immediately into full construction of the Moolart Well project with commissioning of the gold processing plant occurring in July 2010.
After 10 months of resource drilling, October 2010 saw the reporting of a maiden resource of 1.2Moz for the Garden Well deposit, putting it on track to be Regis’ second operating mine.
During the 2011 Financial Year, the Company reported its maiden profit.
In 2012, the Moolart Well Gold Mine completed its first full year of gold production and generated considerable operating cash flow which fully funded the development of the Garden Well Gold Mine.
Construction of the processing facilities at Garden Well were completed with first gold being poured in September 2012. During the same period a Definitive Feasibility Study was completed for the 1.7Moz Rosemont project.
In November 2012, Regis acquired the McPhillamys Gold Project located in the Blayney – Kings Plains district of New South Wales. In the first half of 2013, Regis completed an infill resource drilling program to confirm earlier exploration results and to increase the confidence level of the resource model.
Construction of the Rosemont crushing and milling plant was completed in late 2013 with first ore pumped to Garden Well for processing and gold recovery.
By the end of 2013, Regis had established 10Mtpa of processing capacity and constructed multiple mining operations across the Duketon Belt, all financed from $50m of new equity, $45m of debt, with the remainder funded from operating cashflows.
A resource estimate for McPhillamys was prepared in July 2014 which resulted in 2.2Moz being estimated.
In February 2014, the company’s Duketon operations were significantly impacted by flooding. Mining at Rosemont and Garden Well was reactivated by the end of the June 2014 quarter after a very efficient effort to pump out of the affected areas of the open pits.
In 2015, a significant milestone was achieved with the Duketon operations achieving one million ounces of gold production since operations commenced in 2010.
In mid-2016, Regis commenced a further round of drilling at McPhillamys to refine the resource estimate and to obtain additional information required to complete a Pre-feasibility Study. That study culminated in an updated mineral resource estimate and maiden ore reserve estimate released in September 2017.
In July 2018, the Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the McPhillamys Gold Project was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).
In August 2018, Regis’ board approved development of the Company’s first underground mining operation directly below the current Rosemont open pit and as part of an expansion of the existing operations.
In April 2019, Regis commenced underground mine development at Rosemont. During the year, the Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement for the McPhillamy’s Project was lodged while the company acquired exploration tenure that tripled its landholding in the highly endowed and prospective Duketon Greenstone Belt.
In August 2020, Regis acquired a valuable resource and tenement package from Stone Resources Australia (ASX: SHK) which included the Ben Hur Mineral Resource – 5.8Mt @ 1.6 g/t Au for 290koz1 (JORC2012 Standard). The acquisition has potential to add further life to the Company’s Duketon Operations and expands the company’s ongoing Duketon Greenstone Belt (DGB) exploration programme.
In December 2020, Regis approved development of a new underground mine under the current Garden Well open pit. This decision was based on a recently completed positive Feasibility Study (FS) on the Garden Well South (GWS) underground gold project.