Michael HolmesChief Operating Officer
Mr Michael Holmes is a mining engineer with nearly 40 years’ experience working in Australia and Argentina, New Zealand, Philippines and the United States. He has extensive operational experience in underground and open pit gold, copper, lead, zinc and nickel mines.
Prior to joining Regis in November 2023, Michael was CEO of a junior critical minerals explorer, CEO and COO of Oceanagold Corporation Limited for nine years, ten years working for Xstrata Copper as General Manager of Minera Alumbrera Operations in Argentina and General Manager of the Mount Isa Copper Operations (Xstrata Copper), based in Mount Isa. Prior, Michael has had various other Mine Management positions in Australia.
He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) degree from the University of Queensland, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a member of the Australian Institute of Directors.
Board of Directors
James Mactier
Independent Non-Executive Chairman - BAgrEc (Hons.), GradDipAppFin, GAICD
Jim Beyer
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer - BEng, MGeoSc, AMEC
Fiona Morgan
Independent Non-Executive Director - CPEng, BE(Hons), FIEAust, FAusIMM, GAICD
Steve Scudamore
Independent Non-Executive Director - BA (Hons) MA (Oxon), FCA, FAICD, SF Fin, HonDUniv (Curtin)
Lynda Burnett
Independent Non-Executive Director - BSc (Hons), GAICD, MAusIMM, MSEG
Paul Arndt
Independent Non-Executive Director - BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Eng, MSc, MBA
Senior Management
Anthony Rechichi
Chief Financial Officer
Elena Macrides
General Counsel and Company Secretary
Wade Evans
Executive General Manager Growth
Yvette Gledhill-Powell
Executive General Manager People & Capability
Jeff Sansom
Head of Investor Relations and External Affairs